by Don Safer
(366) views since July 2019
Released: 1997-07-22
Mode: DM
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 0
Review by Duke64Nukem
I think the map was meant to be a new style of dm. With the shrink ray being the main gun to be used, infact when playing this map you best go get a shrinker or you will be coming in last place. Which shouldn't be hard since they are almost everywhere across the hole map.
Not to mention the map is filled with drop holes to reach different levels. So if you get shrunk try to get to the nearest drop hole. There's also walls with no bottom so when you are shrunk you can evade getting stepped on by going under them but also ways to just walk around those walls to step on the players. It has many mirrors so you may end up shrinking yourself a few times.
The map is very colorful with two floors and also has ramps to go up and down to reach the different floors. I'm not a very big fan of this style of map it makes me feel constricted and restricted to what ways we can move or what weapons we use. It also doesn't have any realistic detail to give any kind presence or theme. But I suppose it could be fun to experience it a few times
Score: 2/5

Other maps by this author:
Released: 2000-09-17
Score: 51
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Review: CVA
Released: 1999-01-24
Score: 0
Mode: SP, DM
Review: Yardwar2
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