The Shamble
by Danny Hyde
(486) views since Oct 2018
Released: 1996-10-29
Mode: SP, COOP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 90
Review by Puritan on 20'th June 2016
A medium sized level that starts out here on earth and continues on a lunar station.
Duke starts out in some caves where he must find a guarded portal to the moon. Of course, the alien scumbags aren't that pleased about Dukes presence but it ain't that hard to proceed.
After entering the portal he finds himself on a lunar station built by the vermin. Kick out the aliens and try to stop their breeding programme.
The design is very well done for an oldie from '96 maybe due to the fact that the author was mapping for Doom back in the days.
Texturing, lighting and shading are top notch.
But as usual with oldies, the weapon,ammo and health ratio is way over the edge....
But it's a fun map by any means. Should consume some 10-15 minutes to pass.

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