Duke Nukem 3D .Map Authoring Template v1.0 ========================================== Title :Shuttle Escape Filename :Imperial.map Author :Brian Wolfe Tel No. :01236 821356 E-Mail :mark@innerworkings.co.uk for Attn. of Brian Wolfe Description :Your on a ship docking with an Imperial Star Destroyer orbiting the Death Star. How you got there, I don't know. But your objective is to board the Star Destroyer and escape in the Imperial Shuttle. The escape was originally mean't to be by the Millennium Falcon but I just put that ship hidden in one of the secret places, happy hunting! Additional Credits to :Lucas Film Ý Mark Cotta Vaz & Shinji Hata =============================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player :Yes Dukematch Level :Yes Difficuly Settings :Not implemented * Construction * Base :New level from scratch Editor Used :Build Known Bugs :None