Skycity 1

by Ilovefoxes

(508) views since Dec 2018

Released: 2008-08-17
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 91

Review by Forge on 25 August 2008

The aliens have taken over the city (when will they ever learn?) and Duke needs to get to the airport and make his escape while eliminating everything that stands in his way.
A medium sized city map with a night time setting. Very nice looking and well detailed. Texturing, shading and well placed sprite work help set a great atmosphere. A good layout and design; everything fits together smoothly from the parking garage to the empty office building. That's one of the best looking airplanes I've seen.

Game play is good. The gun battles are with well choreographed with properly strengthed enemy in relation to the available weapons; as more powerfull weapons are found, the strength and numbers of the enemies increase.
Most weapons are available in the arsenal and there's plenty of ammunition for everything.
About the time you start running short there's a well placed stash of bullets and health to keep the game flowing.
There aren't any real puzzles, the theme is more in line with solving where you have to go and figuring out how to get there.
I did have a bit of a problem jumping through the hole in the skylight off the box and ended up hopping around like a rabid kangaroo until it finally let me up. Other than that I had no problems.

Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 10/10
Sprite Work/Detailing-Architecture: 9/10
Ambiance: 18/20
Layout: 19/20
Gameplay/Difficulty: 35/40


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Gameplay Video

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