SS Observatory
by Fernando Marquez
(442) views since Feb 2019
Released: 2005-02-20
Mode: SP, DM, COOP
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: Music
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 90
Review by Forge on 28 September 2014
An EDF space station map.
The level is very well constructed and detailed. There is good trimwork and texture combinations of steel on steel with high-tech gadgetry to give it that space vessel feel.
The ambiance is also quite well done with strong shading, several lighting effects, pallete implementation, and interactive environmental items. Add in plenty of sounds and a couple alien spaceships circling the station shooting rockets and it make for an immersive atmosphere.
The layout is pretty linear and it's almost a straight shot from start to finish. There are a couple instances of having to backtrack from the toxic waste processing room, but it's just a short elevator ride or two to get back to where the player needs to be.
Game play is switches and keys.
It's pretty straight forward; a switch will unlock the door to get to the next room, and there are view screens just in case the player gets confused. The keys are also a fairly standard affair and these are used to get the player to backtrack through the map just so they can fight through a bunch of respawns to get back the ground they already gained.
There's a good selection of weapons and plenty of ammunition, but it went a little over the top with health items.
Despite the endless stream of behind the back respawn ambushes, the player is never in any real danger unless they're incredibly careless.
Texturing/Lighting-Shading: 10/10
Sprite Work/Detailing: 9/10
Ambiance: 10/10
Architecture: 19/20
Layout: 16/20
Gameplay/Design: 26/30
Score: 90

Gameplay Video
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