The Wine Cellar
by Gumby
(461) views since April 2020
Mode: SP, DM
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Featuring: 1.3
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: No
Score: 77
Review by Puritan on 13 April 2020
The author's own words
This time those alien bastards have gone too far - they've invaded Duke's house and gotten into his wine cellar! Only one thing left to do...
Can't imagine the look upon Dukes face when he discovers aliens in his own wine cellar....
Of course, he gets furious and starts to eliminate the bastards one by one. Only downside is that he has forgotten where the keys to the various doors are placed. He must roam the cellar for the keys and locate the alien in charge of this unthinkable crime.
Design is what you'd expect from a cellar; quite squared, gloomy and narrow. The textures are quite repetive and boring.
On the good; the cellar is brimmed with drunken aliens to deal with. Some fights are quite fun and challenging.
Look in every nook and cranny around the cellar for weapons and health kits. Also a quick visit in the sewage system is necessary.
All in all a small but quite intense map for a 15 minutes romp.

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