====================================================================== Title : Translucent Water Demonstration Filename : Well.map Author : Bob Averill E-mail : Bobaverill@hotmail.com Web Page : No homepage, too lazy Misc. Author Info : I invented this cool effect. E-mail me to tell me what you think. Other Levels :Oh gawd, don't make me try to name them all.. Description : The level demonstrates the usage of see-through pools of water that you can submerge in, swim around in, and basically behave just like normal BUILD water except it's translucent. Additional Credits To : The naked wimmen of the world Hehe ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : It's a USER MAP, stupid! Single Player : No DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Uhhmmm, No. Difficulty Settings : No. Plutonium Pak Required : Probably not. New Art : No New Music : Nope. New Sound Effects : Why, no, Good sir. New .CON Files : NONE! the effect needs no extra code. Demos Replaced : no. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Made it from scratch. Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD, the only game in town. Art Editor(s) Used : None. Construction Time : 2 hours for Well.MAP Known Bugs/Problems : BUILD veterans might experience heart failure when they realize that clear water was possible all along, and that I thought of it first. (heehee) * Where to get this MAP file * File location :Hey genius, I think you already found it. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Nope. This is a stand-alone effect, remember? Important Notes : Read my FAQ file before you try this effect on your own. I also (to my knowledge) invented the 3d working ladder effect. (No extra code needed!) Use both effects, and you just might think you're playing Shadow Warrior, or, if you're smokin' something, you might think it's Quake2, coz of the ladders. ======================================================================