
by Phil Skelerz

(368) views since Feb 2019

Released: 1997-02-19
Mode: SP
Difficulty Settings: No
Featuring: 1.4+
Sound/music: No
New Art: No
New Cons: Yes
Score: 83

Review by Puritan on February 25-2015

A cool map from way back in 1997 takes you through the IMF building and it's surrounding areas.
This map isn't your everyday keycard hunt sort of level.It's more like exploring and kicking alien asses including hacked bosses.

The design is fantastic in places and not so fantastic in others...
If the author had pulled of the rest of the map the same way as the good areas the score would easily been cranked up into the 90's.
There is lots of nice lighting effects, explosions, moving gear, and what not.

Even though the map is quite huge you wont get stucked cuz the author makes sure that places you've been through is closed so you can't do too much back tracking.
Only drawback considering progression would be a couple of well hidden passages.
Also make sure that you save the jetpack for a rainy day......you'll need it so don't fly around looking at .....uhm....things unless you have to.
The map is passed within 25 minutes or so if you're finding the right path.
Note: After encountered a boss you'll find a pitch black hole to jump into. Duke says something that may cause you think the level is over........well, it isn't!

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