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About the Site
On this day...
In 1996, The Base was released by Georg Buol.


Map Info:
Type: SP, Version: v1.3d
Rating: 84, Size: 104.46 KB

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ROCH Homepage

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The Duke Nukem Repository - your #1 source for all things Duke! "... Hail to the king, baby!"
Welcome to the new and arguably bluer Duke Nukem Repository; revised, improved and altogether nicer looking than the old tired and stale affair some may remember from way back in December 2005.

The Repository shall continue to strive to bring you only the finest custom maps, utilities and goodies available in the Known Universe, the reason behind which being that if you dear sir or madam have stuck it out with Duke for the past eleven twelve years without a sequel from 3D Realms, by bloody oath you at least deserve some decent maps to play in the meantime.

So stay a while and take a look around the site, however be sure to enjoy yourself.


Latest News - 21st June 2010
Once again we're back with another fun Duke level for your amusement.Redrock by Markus "Suppressor" Schopf is a singel player adventure made back in 2006. A great thanks to RazorZ for making us aware of this nice map!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 12:30 GMT-6

Older News

20th June 2010
Another late but nevertheless interesting upload for you abidingly followers of DNR. CarThief, known for Delivery To Hidden Base, released his second map here at DNR. This is a Duke Plus only map. Head on over to the official thread for From Base to Base 2 for further details and download!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 18:31 GMT-6

16th June 2010
Hail to the fans, baby!

Supertanker, a mapper that should be fairly known, is back from his "retirement". After more than two years in limbo he decided to make his entrance on the Duke scene with a map release. A map that should satisfy any avid Duker with a predilection for industrial/base themed maps. Area27 is hereby recommended!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 16:42 GMT-6

3rd June 2010
No beating around the bush:

Mike Norvak has released a marvelous map today.The map is city styled and suits both vanilla Duke and Duke Plus.Nightshade Army is a map you can't miss!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 16:27 GMT-6

15th May 2010
A really promising ongoing Duke project by RazorZ has provided us with yet another level for download. Even though this is an episodic project the author releases the maps one by one when they are finished. This entry is called Mincer City

A thread with lots of screenshots and discussions about the project is located right here! The links for downloads is in the first post.


A late but nevertheless an interesting map has been uploaded. SalaciusCrumb latest map Have Fun Storming The Castle should offer you lots of good firefights!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 16:56 GMT-6

20th March 2010
Wow! Two updates in the same day.

A new single player map has been bunged to the server. Steambull have just finished a nice map set in a refinery/industrial environment.

Go check out his thread right here!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 18:31 GMT-6

20th March 2010
Greetings, Duke fans.

A re-release for you today. VERMIN CLEARANCE is a full 11-level episode that will keep you busy for a couple of days! This episode was made a few years back so as you've already guessed: It's for classic gameplay.

Visit the thread right here!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 13:20 GMT-6

14th March 2010
Yet another couple of updates brought to you by DNR.

Sanek released a cool minimod late february and we're proud to bring it to you.Head on over to the forum and visit the thread about his release:1999Russia !

And we wont stop there. MRCK decided to release one map from an ongoing episodic project.You can't miss this WIP so jump to his thread about: Meatball Sub Makin !


For those of you that is able to play Duke Nukem with the Polymer there is a wonderful mod made by DanM out on the streets. Visit this thread for a closer look. Don't miss it!

Posted by Frode Waksvik at 16:52 GMT-6

Top 20 Downloads
Latest Maps, Addons & Mods
Latest Miscellanea
Maps/Addons available: 635
Total files available: 731
Total files downloaded: 352398
Last downloaded: 1999Russia
Served: 229.63 GB

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